Monday, May 17, 2010

Global Awareness

As we seek to contribute to the world, we must first understand the world. What is going on in the world? What do you think about these events? Where do you find out about current events? Why do you trust your source? What is news? Is news important? Why?

Over the next summer and fall, you will be required to submit five different posts reflecting on five different current events. Also respond to a minimum of five posts made by other students. Your sources should be reliable, well-established newspapers, magazines, radio shows, or news programs. Some suggestions are: The Sacramento Bee, The New York Times, The San Fransisco Chronicle, The LA Times, The Washington Post, Time Magazine, The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, The New Republic, NPR, BBC, and well-established TV News programs.

Your post should include (you are required to submit five posts that include the following):
- a brief explanation of the article or report
- a brief discussion of any bias in the reporting
- your reflections on the event
- questions that might be answered by other students
- cite where you got your information from and when the report first came out